Customer Testimonials

Our clients are wonderful, talented, and friendly people who share our passion for fresh flowers with tremendous service.  We're grateful for the opportunity to serve our clients and look forward to working with you, also!

East Coast has made our flower buying so pleasant and so easy while supplying us with great product.

The high quality selection keeps our customers very happy and constantly enjoying the best of the best!! Direct buy through Holex really completes the experience.

Service is beyond extraordinary! We love you guys!
Wendy H. Siegel of Greenwich Orchids


The crew at East Coast Wholesale has been a true delight to work with.

Our sales rep Laurie is a gem and always finds us the perfect product. If Laurie isn't there then Pamme steps in, ever so accommodating. The delivery men are even the best! The quality of East Coasts flowers and plants are impeccable, fresh and first rate and they aim to please. Our wedding season starts shortly and we can't wait to surround ourselves with East Coast goodies!
Lee of K.L.W. Design Co.


What would we do without East Coast?

Always a pleasant environment and great selection. It's 28th street in our back yard! Everyone there is always ready to help and is knowledgeable of the product. My friend Richard, whom I've known for about 30 years is a true veteran of the industry, who has an uncanny memory and great sense of humor!

East Coast also has a good selection of supplies and accessories as well as an ever changing array of both green and flowering plants. We hope East Coast continues to be the area's premier wholesale floral supply.
Kyle Riccoboni of Earth Garden Flowers


We love working with East Coast!

We've had the delight of working with East Coast Wholesaler for about 3 years now. Pamme is our sales rep and we love working with her! Because she has a design background herself, she is able to consider color combinations for us or offer a flower alternative when something is suddenly unavailable.

East Coast comes through each week with beautiful fresh product for our weddings. They thrive on sourcing everything on our lists and if they can't get something, then it's probably just not available!

We can't say enough about the team behind East Coast~ from our buyers, to our sales rep, and even to our driver, we love working with them!
Yumiko Fletcher of Hana Floral Design


We have loved you guys for 20 years!

We have been using East Coast as our wholesaler for 20 years. They go above and beyond your average wholesaler.  Their selection and quality of flowers are superior.  Our saleswoman, Donna, is conscientious and experienced and she always goes the extra mile to ensure we get what we need. Our driver Arthur is like the mailman; through rain, sleet, or snow he always delivers with a smile. We love you guys.
Everyone at Flowers by Reni

Ready to join our happy customers?
We look forward to serving you.   Contact us today and discover
how we can help you and your business!  


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